If you want to participate in MEU Madrid you will have to fulfill the form that it is available in this website here. If you have any doubt about the application process you can send us an email to meu@jefmadrid.eu. Basically we will need from you the following informaiton
- IDENTIFICATION DATA: we will need the following data:
-Date of birth (you need to be 18+ and under 35).
-Country of residence.
-MOTIVATION AND SKILLS: in your application you should write, in English, which role (or roles) you want to represent and why you did choose this role, why you want to participate in MEU-Madrid and why you think that you should be selected.
*Important: we strongly advise you to apply for more than one role, and to make a clear preference list. It will be taken into consideration.
*Optional: If you have any, we strongly advise you to include your experience in other models, debate, public speech, politics and any other relevant experience or skills.
Once you are officially selected, we will contact you by emai. You will be required to pay the participation fee in order to secure your place so that we can proceed to book venues, restaurant and hotels. A bank account number will be provided. Please, remember that the participation fees already paid will not be reimboursed as in most cases it will mean that we have already made the expenditures and the assignation of roles.
The participants will be free to choose between the following options:
BASIC FEE: 20€, which includes:
Inscription in MEU MAdrid 2018)
Materials for the Model ( folder, pen...
Some snacks and coffee breaks) during the model
Participation certificate.
MEDIUM FEE: 60€, which includes:
Basic fee services
Lunches during the model ( 18,19,20)
Some activities of the social program(International dinner, night outs, farewell party)
FULL EVENT FEE: 120€, which includes:
Medium fee services
Housing during the model
Transport within Madrid city
Travel reimbursement for participants coming from outside Madrid Region up to 70% máx. 100€*
* quantity may vary regarding Erasmus + rules
You have to be between 18 and 35 years old in order to be able to participate in MEU-Madrid. Applications will always be individual.
All your information will be used only for the organisation of the MEU and by the MEU organising team. It will not be handed to third parties in any case.
As the number of participants for each role is limited, in case that limit is reached, preference will be given on the basis of the following CRITERIA:
-Spanish knowledge.
-Your preferences of role.
-Motivation letter.
-Previous experience in other models.
-Early applicants.
Before your arrival you will receive all the information you need for arriving to the hotel and our university (if you need it). You will also receive a document with the full rules of proceedings and some relevant information about the topics of debate.
In the case that you want to take part in MEU Madrid, but you cannot for any reason, we have created the option of the online participant (free of charge). Write to us at meu@jefmadrid.eu if you are interested and we will explain you the details.
You could take the role as journalist, or advisor to the Council or the Parliament. Your participation will not be as intense as others', but at least you will be part of it.

Once you are officially selected, you will also be required to write a short report about the topic of debate. This requirement aims to guarantee that all participants know the topic and understand what is the position in real life of the role they represent. In other cases:
Commissaires will be required to prepare a sketch of the legislation they think that the European Commission should present to the other bodies, in order to alleviate the work during the simulation itself.
The Lobbyists will be required to present a set of operative objectives and list of proposed ammendments.
The Journalists will be required to start preparing the online edition of their journal.
We are aware of the special needs of some potential participants, so we urge participants with special needs to communicate them to us so that we can act accordingly.
-If you use wheelchair, you must know that the venue is perfectly suitable for wheelchairs. If you attend to the social program we will need to make some arrangements.
-If you are blind, a member of the organization will help you during the whole model.
-If you are deaf, we are sorry to inform thta there will not be sign language interpreters. In that case you can still participate, free of charge, online.
Applications will be opened 20th July, 23:59 CEST and will close on 16th September at 13:00 CEST
Priority will be given to early applications. In case of doubt among several candidates, we will assign the role and the place to the earlier applicant.
We will proceed with the confirmation process in two steps. First we will gather all applications received until the 20th of August. We will make a first selection among all of them and assign the main roles (MEP, EC, Council, Lobbyist and Journalist). We will ask participants to pay their participation fee in order to secure their place.
Secondly, the 1st of september we will collect the newer applications we have received until that date and assign the main roles (MEP, EC, Council, Lobbyist and Journalist). We will ask participants to pay their participation fee in order to secure their place.
In september you will receive final confirmation fo your role. In pirnciple your initial role will be mantained. Should we need to change your role, your preferences will be always taken into account. Generally, changes will involve the political parties or countries you represent.
If you want to apply for the European Commission, remember that you need to live in Madrid. The European Commission meetings will be held during several days in Madrid
The role of the European Commission is key and it is an innovation to this model. We want the participants to feel this year the whole interaction of the European institutions. You will be preparing the directive that other participants will be discussing. Thus it requires a special motivation. Indeed a few partcipants will be selected to defend the European Commission text during the model. During these days they will be entitled to reform the text as the treaties allow them, but not retire it as the game would be over! The application conditions for the participants attending also MEU in September will be communicated during the EC meeting held in July.
*For any other doubt, you can send us an email to: